Monday 26 December 2011

1969 Mustang Skull Art Car Falls On Hard Times - Prehistoric Hoarder With A Glue Gun Art Car

1969 Mustang Skull Art Car Falls On Hard Times - Art Car Central
1969 Mustang Skull Art Car Falls On Hard Times

This 1969 Ford Mustang Skull Art Car called Morbido 69 by Howard Howrad Vines has been a regular feature at all the artcar fests here in the San Franscisco Bay Area and especially at the How Berkeley Can You Be. This art car was spotted by Murilee Martin who posted it on Jalopnic and took a ton of photos of this fine car parked in Alameda, California.

Unfortunately this beauty has fallen on hard times like a lot of older arts do and was seen again by Murilee at a local pick and pull some years later. The story is the same, first the most ardent Mustang fanatics will strip away all the good parts, then once its down to "bare bones" no pun intended, it will then be taken down to the crusher for its final journey.

I am not sure what to call this art car but it definitely crosses over into a few genres. I think its a combination between burning man, mad max, prehistoric, Wrath of Khan, nack to the future, caveman feel to it. Its almost like it belongs to a prehistoric caveman hoarder with a glue gun. I am sure the guy is very nice, probably and accountant or something who goes to burning man every year.  I would love to meet the owner of this mystery mustang art car, so if you or anyone know more about this art car please contact us at Art Car Central.

1969 Mustang Skull Art Car Falls On Hard Times
1969 Mustang Skull Art Car Falls On Hard Times

1969 Mustang Skull Art Car Falls On Hard Times - Art Car Central
1969 Mustang Skull Art Car Falls On Hard Times

1969 Mustang Skull Art Car Falls On Hard Times - Art Car Central
1969 Mustang Skull Art Car Falls On Hard Times

1969 Mustang Skull Art Car Falls On Hard Times - Art Car Central
1969 Mustang Skull Art Car Falls On Hard Times

1969 Mustang Skull Art Car Falls On Hard Times - Art Car Central
1969 Mustang Skull Art Car Falls On Hard Times

1969 Mustang Skull Art Car Falls On Hard Times - Art Car Central
1969 Mustang Skull Art Car Falls On Hard Times

1969 Mustang Skull Art Car - Skull Closeup
1969 Mustang Skull Art Car - Skull Closeup

1969 Mustang Skull Art Car - Toy Closeu
1969 Mustang Skull Art Car - Toy Closeup

1969 Mustang Skull Art Car - Hood Closeup
1969 Mustang Skull Art Car - Hood Closeup

1969 Mustang Skull Art Car - John Kerry Sticker
1969 Mustang Skull Art Car - John Kerry Sticker
 via Jalopnik

(note: the article was written before the identity of the owner was found and the article is a bit confusing. I added the name at the top then made this last paragraph out place, so let just agree the article is a bit screwed up and never mention it again:)

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